Our first week at home…

No more pregnancy pics! Isabelle is here!


Go State!

Isabelle's 1st MSU game with Daddy!

Little Sweet Pea

Isabelle and Mommy!

Sleepy Pair...

More sleep...

The 1st week that Isabelle was home was so nice! Brian and I were able to be home together to take care of her and snuggle with her!

We quickly learned that she was a very easy going baby and didn’t make a peep unless she was hungry or needed her diaper changed!

She did sleep a lot as we did too- but we also so more wakefulness from her as she took in her surroundings and learned who we were 🙂

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Our 1st Outing…

Isabelle's 1st Outing- the doctors office!

A few days after we got home Isabelle had her first outing to visit the doctor! It was a funny first outing- Brian and I trying to coordinate ourselves to get out the door with everything we think we need, getting Isabelle out in the winter air, and seeing how she did at the doctors.

This is one of my favorite pictures of her- she looks so little and almost like a baby monkey!

She did great at the doctors- she was very mellow! The doctor checked her and said everything looked great- she was perfect (we knew this already!). And the best part was that she had gained weight! In the hospital she had lost a few ounces and had dipped below 6lbs…so we were hoping that she had gained that back & she had! Back to 6lbs 5 oz!

Our next appointment is Isabelle’s 1 month check up on March 22nd!

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Going Home!

Isabelle in her car-seat and ready to go home!

Brian and I were so excited to be heading home with Isabelle! We had a great stay at the hospital and the staff was wonderful but we were ready for our own bed, no more being poked and prodded, and to cuddle with Isabelle all to ourselves!

It was funny, I don’t think we were as nervous to take her home as we thought we would be! The biggest concern we had was putting her in car-seat. She didn’t really like it as first but then fell fast asleep!

Welcome home Isabelle!

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Grandpa McClatchey & Isabelle

Grandma McClatchey & Isabelle- she knew you were a girl!

We were so blessed to have family and friends come visit us at the hospital!

Grandma & Grandpa McClatchey where excited to meet her in addition to many others! And those that couldn’t come visit sent beautiful pink flowers to fill our room with joy!

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Proud Parents…

Brian & Isabelle!

You are finally here Isabelle- we have been waiting for 9 months!

Proud Parents!

Daddy loves you Isabelle!

After waiting 9+ months and a long wait in the hospital we were thrilled when Isabelle finally arrived! We are proud parents as you can see 🙂

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