Isabelle in the Big City (Chicago)…

Isabelle is ready to take on the Windy City...

A big chair for a little girl...

Sweet pea and her mid morning nap...

With Aunt Shan at the Art Institute...

At Cloud Gate with Mommy...

The girls in the city (Cloud Gate)...

All bundled up for the weather...

Aunt Shan being silly...

Nap time...

Burp time with Aunt Shan...

Celebrating the end of Daddy's long work week with some champagne!

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Isabelle’s 1st Easter…

Easter dinner fed by Granma...

Smiling with Daddy...

Napping on Grampa...

Isabelle & Mommy...

A new sun hat from Hawaii...

Sleepy little angel...

Easter Sunday family picture...

Daddy & Isabelle...

Mommy & Isabelle...

Isabelle in her Easter dress...

Our little girl...

Granma & Isabelle...

Our little Easter Bunny...

Isabelle was a good sport 🙂

Easter hike- getting a lift from Daddy...

Posted in Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Milestones | Comments Off on Isabelle’s 1st Easter…

Some Old Photos…

Grampa & Isabelle

She has him wrapped around her little finger...

Sleepy little peanut...

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Two Months Old Today!

Happy 2 Months Old Isabelle Wynn!

Chubby Cheeks 🙂

Sweet dreams...

Mini yawn...

Stop taking pictures mommy 😉

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Photos from the weekend & Aunt Shannon Visits!

Daddy & Isabelle's nap time

Aunt Shannon comes to visit!

Lazy Saturday morning..

Shannon & Isabelle in the kitchen...

Look at those baby blues...

Sweet little sleepy head...

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Photos from the weekend & Aunt Shannon Visits!