Sleeping Beauty…

This is how I found our sleeping beauty this morning! I felt bad having to wake her up- looks like a good sleep!

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Isabelle learning (part 2)…

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Isabelle is learning to blow raspberries (part 1)…

It has been so fun watching Isabelle grow! One of the best parts so far is seeing her learn and take in her surroundings. She is such a smiley and happy baby and seems to really be learning lately! These two videos show her trying to mimic me…

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2 Month Check up today…

Snuggling with Daddy before the doctor comes in...

Today was Isabelle’s 2 month check up (a little late because we were out of town). We can really tell our little girl is getting bigger!

Her new stats:

Height: 22 1/8 inches (45th percentile)

Weight: 9lbs 9.6oz (25th percentile)

Head: 38.9 (55% percentile)

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Chatty Isabelle..

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