Time for tea..

Tea with her friend Kaija at school. Kaija is also in Isabelle’s tennis lesson and she really likes her. She will call her out by name every time we see her. I see a little friendship blossoming…

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Big girl choices…

It was between Cinderella & Rapunzle…Rapunzle won 🙂

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Love note to Daddy: take two

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Love note to Daddy: take one

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Isabelle’s vocabulary has exploded recently! She has really started to explore phrases and can repeat a lot of what we say…oh boy! Here are a few of the cute things she says decoded:

Okay = yes (she has not said yes yet)
I Dwuuu = I love you
I see you = see you later
Mhau = blow kisses
Tick = tickle
Corn = popcorn (one of her new favorite foods)
Baa = milk/bottle
Off = if she wants something to come off, usually her socks (she is not a fan)
Tanta = Santa 🙂 or most men with beards/mustaches
The dog = Webster
Meeee = Minnie Mouse
Moush = moose and mouse 🙂
Pay = play
Marsh = march (she recently learned to march so she loves marching around the house)
Gain = again
Tadah = I did it!
Mess = she good at identifying one but not picking it up 🙂
No = she is really go at saying this, no translation needed
Go = yes go get it mom, or okay let’s go

She still uses signs & words to say – more, eat and all done.

She is a pro at all animals and animal sounds.

She just started counting! We have heard her count as high as six!

Thanks to her new play kitchen she is learning names of all types of food/fruits and vegetables.

She is also starting to say her friends names (and remember them) and also family too- she knows and can say who everyone is!

She is also really good at face and body parts. Her favorite is showing her belly button 🙂

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