Beach baby…

She loves the beach! She walks down there most days fully clothed and comes back naked! Always wanting to swim!

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Hot tub fun!

Hot tub fun with little friends!

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Cute pics (Aunt Shannon took)…

Horsing around with Daddy!

Nana & Isabelle...

Just pulling my car in the big deal

Perched on the couch watching cartoons...

Smothering Webster with a big hug!

Walk with Webs, Shannon and Nana..

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Grandparents, Isabelle | Comments Off on Cute pics (Aunt Shannon took)…

Two and a half!

Isabelle had her two an half year check-up and all is well! She is happy and healthy and can officially be done with her acid reflux medication!!! Despite her huge appetite these days she is still a little peanut but just perfect!

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Took Aunt Shannon down to the beach for sunset and what turned into a swim!!

Pilgrimage to the sunset!

Mommy & Isabelle

Isabelle LOVES summer!!

Aunt Shannon & Isabelle

Daddy and Isabelle...

Mommy & Daddy

Mommy and Aunt Shannon with Isabelle

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Sunset!!