Pics from school!

Cutting/eating fruit!

Isabelle & Pip!

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A great rainy TGIF morning….Isabelle’s first dentist appointment. Followed by a donut treat and trip to the library to pick out some new books (A couple Halloween ones, an alphabet book, princess one and going to the beach book)!

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Webs + Isabelle = LOVE

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Did we mention she LOVES chocolate?

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School update from Isabelle’s teacher…

From Agnes:

I would like to provide a few updates about Isabelle. It is a great pleasure for me to see her changing into such a reliable young person. I noticed changes during the summer, but now with the arrival of few younger friends to our classroom I can see her in the role of a leader. Outside on the playground, Isabelle sits on the grass with Zoe, Sofia, and Alice and she acts like a teacher singing “Trot old Joe” or “The wheels on the bus”. The girls repeat the hand motions following Isabelle. She also is very sensitive to other children being sad; this time of the year we have children who are new to the school and are still adjusting to the new situations. Isabelle grabbed my hand and brought me to the boy from Marie’s classroom who was crying and pointed: “He is sad”, we offered him tissue.

Last Thursday Isabelle was showing the children in the classroom her Big Sister T-shirt and told everyone: “I’m big sister”, she is going to be a great Big Sister.

Isabelle loves our guinea pig Pip and vice versa. One day she spent 20 minutes by his cage with one arm inside, the children are allowed to open the cage, Pip is very gentle but it is hard to catch him when we want to take him out from the cage. Isabelle was softly talking to Pip and petting him, Pip does not escape from her. Sometimes after nap we take Pip out of the cage and I place him on Isabelle’s lap. She brushes him with a little baby brush and the other children can pet him.

Isabelle really enjoys the school lunches and eats very well: both meat and vegetables. She became quite open for new tastes. She also loves to cut vegetables and fruits.

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