
Aunt Shan is going to run a marathon this weekend! Isabelle will be cheering from a far!! We are so proud of you and inspired by you Aunt Shan!!

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My family…

Our morning art project…Isabelle’s family! She named everyone off- each line was somebody! All grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins accounted for! Mommy, daddy and baby sister…even Webster!

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on My family…

Weee!! Again…

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Whistle while you work!

Helping Nana make a big pile to jump in!
Munchkin for hire!

Supervising papa! “Are you ok up there Papa”?

Isabelle’s new saying (from school I think)…”Stop, that’s my job”!

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Misc. photos…

There is an Isabelle underneath those blankets! Her new way to sleep!

Had to capture for memory sake...her "private" time routine. Hiding in the corner of her closet.

Lots of gym time this week at school (rainy outside)- what fun!

Fell asleep after a hot bath...

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