18 Month Check-Up!


Today I had my 18 month check-up! Here are my current stats:

Height: 31.5 inches (37%)
Weight: 19lbs 11oz (12%)
Head: 18.5 inches (70%)

One new development that has occurred~ Isabelle is on Zantac.

Ever since she was a newborn she has been “a puker”. We always chalked it up to eating to much, upset tummy, scared, tired, attention seeking, you name it…

Well Isabelle’s puking spells have came to a head these last 7 days…WOW. We are still not sure how one little body can create so much puke. But we are getting darn good at the cleaning up of it!

The good news is that Isabelle is thriving, growing and still her happy go lucky self! Now hopefully with the help of some medicine she will be able to hold down her breakfast/lunch/dinner, feel better and be more inclined to eat food!

Fingers crossed it works…

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