
Grandpa Don came to visit for the weekend!!

Isabelle had fun playing with his Ipad...

We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Stella with Vicki & Don!

The group went to the Yacht Club for drinks!

Brian with Uncle Al & Aunt Jane...

Aunt Christy and Uncle Jason with Isabelle at the beach! It was BEAUTIFUL and sunny!

Brian and Jason getting competitive!

Aunt Christy and Mommy enjoying the sun!

The group wine tasting on the Peninsula!

Brian, Grandma Vicki and Great Grandma Dorothy!

Cheers to yummy wine!

Our final winery!

Grandma Vicki, Uncle Al and Aunt Jane having fun at the Cherry Republic!

Isabelle and Great Grandpa Dorothy playing...

Relaxing outside with Grandma Vicki...

So MUCH fun!!!

Play time!

Mommy's girlfriends with Grandma Vicki!

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