Isabelle & Caroline’s Current Vitals
Caroline had her 15 month check-up and she is growing, healthy & perfect! Here are her current stats:
Height: 28 inches <2% Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz. 5-10% Head: 45cm 25-50% 11/12/12014 Caroline is ONE! She is a happy healthy little lady but growing well. Here are her stats: Height: 27 inches 2% Weight: 16 lbs 8 oz. 5-10% Head: 44.3cm 25-50% 8/26/2014 Today Caroline had her 9 month check-up! She is a happy and healthy little peanut..only in the 5-10%. She is perfect: Height: 26.25 inches Weight: 15 lbs 7oz 5/12/13 Today Caroline is 6 months old! Where does time go...TOO fast. She is a happy and healthy little one and growing just perfectly. Here are her current stats: Height: 25.125 inches Weight: 13lbs 12oz 12/13/2013 Today Caroline had her 1 month Isabelle chanted "time for your check-up, time for your check-up"! Here are her new stats: Height: 20.5 inches Weight: 7lbs 8oz She is following the same growth curve as Isabelle and is a peanut but growing well and happy and healthy! 11/17/2013 Today Caroline had her 1st doctors appointment after being born. The doctor said she is perfect and we agree. She also has been doing a great job eating and is back to her birth weight of 6lbs 3oz. Big sister Isabelle also weighed herself, she is 24.5lbs. 8/28/2013 Today I had my 2 1/2 year check-up! Here are my currents stats: Height: 34.75 inches (32%) Weight: 23lbs 6 oz (3%) Head: 48.9cm 2/27/2013 Today I had my 2 year check-up! Here are my current stats: Height: 32 inches (5%) Weight: 22lbs 4oz (15%) Head: NA The doctors said I am happy, healthy and perfect! Mommy & Daddy agree! :)Blogroll
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Category Archives: Playdates
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Snack time w/ Griffin…
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Isabelle & Ellie!
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