Category Archives: Isabelle


80 and sunny…TGIF indeed!!!!

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Sisters | Comments Off on TGIF!


Norovirus…enough said!! Three years of munchkins in the house and three norovirus bouts. :(…on the mend now!

Posted in Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Sisters | Comments Off on Yuck…

Isabelle is three!!

Our sweet Isabelle is three!! We spent the day exploring Austin with Nana & Papa! We started with a yummy breakfast at the Driskell downtown, then went to Zilker Park to enjoy the sunny day at the park and ride … Continue reading

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Nana & Papa come to visit!!!

We had SOOO much fun having Nana & Papa Visit!!! We celebrated Isabelle’s 3rd birthday and showed them all around Austin!!!

Posted in Caroline, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Sisters | Comments Off on Nana & Papa come to visit!!!

Isabelle is 3!

Isabelle was so brave at her three year check up! They checked her vision and gave her two shots! Here are her stats: Height- 34.5″ (5-10%) Weight- 24.2lbs (5-10%)

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