Category Archives: Isabelle


Isabelle had been trying diligently for 15 minutes to crawl over the step to our kitchen before I started taping her. Then her next try after this video she did it! And was SO proud!!

Posted in Isabelle, Milestones | Comments Off on Roadblock


Today at school another kid tried to “kiss” Isabelle – so we were told… Poor peanut got her 1st boo boo 🙁

Posted in Isabelle, Playdates | Comments Off on Bruiser…

Happy Halloween!

Posted in Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Milestones, Playdates | Comments Off on Happy Halloween!

School Updates

Isabelle teacher sent us these pictures of her at school! They are fun to see- considering she can’t tell us what she is doing there each day!

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On the mend…

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