Category Archives: Isabelle

Signs of summer…

Grilling & Ketchup & Watermelon…

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15 Month Check-up…

Isabelle’s new stats: Ht: 30″ (25%) Wt: 18lbs 10oz (3%) Head: 47cm (85%) The doctor said she is happy, healthy and perfect!

Posted in Isabelle, Milestones | Comments Off on 15 Month Check-up…

Summer is here!!!

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Boogie Baby…

Posted in Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Video | Comments Off on Boogie Baby…

Memorial Day Weekend…

Memorial Day weekend we spent a lot of time out at Nana & Papa’s! Shannon, Kevin & Lauren came home! Isabelle enjoyed being pulled (by multiple people) in the wagons around the house & chasing after the Bocci ball during … Continue reading

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Memorial Day Weekend…