Category Archives: Isabelle

Bike ride!!

Yippee!! 1st bike ride of summer!!

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Playing with friends…

All the kiddos together!! The kiddos where being so good staying put for a few seconds for the photos! What would have been really a site to see- all the mom’s making faces, calling their names to get them to … Continue reading

Posted in Isabelle, Playdates | Comments Off on Playing with friends…

Pool time!

Pool day at Nana and Papa’s!!!

Posted in Grandparents, Isabelle | Comments Off on Pool time!

Isabelle update…

Nana wrote up this little update on Isabelle after her weekend with her. It’s nice to have these updates to look back and remember her likes at that moment in time! Loves playing in her pool and is getting more … Continue reading

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Weekend with Nana and Papa!

Isabelle had a great weekend with Nana, Papa and Webs!

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