Category Archives: Caroline

New milestone!

Caroline is rolling over!

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First food…

Caroline’s pediatrician told us to try a little rice cereal because she was seeming very interested in eating….she wasn’t very impressed :).

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4 Month Check-Up: St. Patties Day

Caroline had her 4 month check up today! She is doing so well. Her current vitals are: height – 23 inches (5-10%), weight – 11lbs 12oz (5-10%), and head – 39.7cm (25-50%).

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Weekend fun!

This weekend Isabelle conquered her fear of climbing the rope playground at the children’s museum & we explore the Austin Zoo and Animal Sanctuary!

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Garden Planting…

Isabelle’s school hosted a little garden planting party this weekend! It was a soggy morning but fun none the less!

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