Category Archives: Caroline

Stand Up!

Caroline is developing new skills at lighting speed..I think to keep up with her older sister. We have moved on from crawling to standing up!! Whoa!! Mommy & Daddy are wondering if she will be walking VERY soon….

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Weekend Fun!

We had a great weekend exploring Austin, having fun with new friends and keeping cool at the pool (it hit 100 degrees this weekend!).

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8 months today!

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100 thing to do in Austin!

Ever since we moved to Austin we have been working down the list of “100 things to do in Austin” and we checked another one off the list already this weekend: tour the University of Texas Tower. A majestic tower … Continue reading

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Hat Fashion Show!

A quick hat fashion show to see what hat’s still fit! We wear lots of hats in Texas to protect our skin from the sun! Someone got especially excited when they tried on the MSU spartan winter hat!

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