Category Archives: Caroline

The week…

This week wasn’t particularly exciting with the girls under the weather a bit and the weather sort of yucky. But we made the best of it by staying cozy and lots of snuggles.

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Birthday week…

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We LOVE the weekend…

What a fun weekend celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family! We enjoyed the gorgeous warm weather, went for a hike, went to a valentine’s day party at a neighbor friends, put-put golf and watched the Austin Marathon run by our … Continue reading

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on We LOVE the weekend…

15 Months!

Our sweet little Caroline is 15 months old! She is a petite little thing but growing GREAT! We love you sweet Caroline! You are sweet, spunky, MESSY, sensative and FUN!

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Valentine’s week!

The girls enjoyed Valentine’s treats coming in the mail, a visit to the Zoo, the Alice in Wonderland exhibit at the Ransom Center & a Valentine’s Day party at school!

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