Weekend photos…

Isabelle fell asleep sucking on her hand...

Sleepy little one after a walk with mom...

Sweet little smile 🙂

Isabelle at the Yacht Club with Daddy...

Taking advantage of the nice weather- strolling with our "BOB's"

It was a great weekend with Isabelle- it was quiet around town because a lot of people were gone for Spring Break!

So Brian & I took advantage of the quietness and took Isabelle out around town to places we haven’t been in awhile!

We went to the Yacht Club for dinner and drinks – Isabelle slept the whole time, we ran lots of errands & then took a long walk to take advantage of the sunny weather- Isabelle slept, and we went to Church- Isabelle slept the whole time too! Then we met Grandma & Grandpa McClatchey for a yummy brunch before they left for Hawaii (Isabelle asked to go in their carry-on).

Now for a family nap & cozy Sunday- it is thunder-snowing out!

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