New friend…

It’s not Webster but it will have to do for now…out next door neighbor’s little dog Biscuit :)…

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Our first Austin visitors!!

Out first visitors were Grandpa Don and Grandma Wickie (As Isabelle calls her)….it was a great visit and very productive!!! They were a huge help as we unpacked!! We also mixed in some fun too~and Brian’s cousins Kyle, Laura and Ryan joined too!

Moving is SOOOO tiring! 🙂

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Moving to Austin!

This week we moved to Austin, TX! We were sad to leave our family (especially Nana, Papa and Webster) and friends but are excited for our new adventure here! We have had fun exploring our new neighborhood (we found two playgrounds near our house) and the sunny temps (70s each day so far)! Here are some pics of our journey so far (plane ride, playground, etc):

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I’m two months old!

I am two months old! And on this milestone date I moved to Austin and had my first plane ride! I did great- sleeping the whole time on both flights!

My two month check up was today in Austin! I mety new doctor too. Here are my current stats:

Weight: 9lbs 3oz (5%)
Height: 21 3/8inches long (5%)

She said I was perfect and mommy & daddy agree!

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Soaking up the last bit of winter…

Before we move south we are soaking up the last bit of (our) winter…

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