
Someone has a new view…up right!

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1st week of school…

Isabelle survived (and thrived) during her first week of school! She met new friends…Gigi and Crosby to name a few and learned new things too! She came home singing a new song, “you are my sunshine”.

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My sweet girl…

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Caroline & mommy!

Since Isabelle went to school today Caroline and mommy got to spend time together one on one…we snuggled, smiled and cooed! She even helped mommy pick big sister up from school…Isabelle was so excited to see her and have her a big kiss!

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First day of pre-school in Austin!

School is so close we can scooter home!

(From her teacher)



Lunch – Some of the Orange, string cheese, crackers and hummus, yogurt and turkey sandwich
Special, Social, Circle Time
We took it easy on the lessons and activities today so we could introduce our new friend, Isabelle, to the routine and classroom. Crosby was the big man on campus today and he took the lead in helping introduce Isabelle. Isabelle quickly became a pro and is now giving Crosby a run for his money as resident expert 😉 Ellie and Gigi were very good friends and played Goldieblox with Isabelle. I’m very impressed with these students at circle time. Everyone participated and sang along to the good morning song and greetings this morning were sweet and sincere.
Art, Math
We played with the light table and sorted colors, practiced pouring and dumping the colored chips.
Physical, Personal
Instead of going outside today, we sat together and built a city. We used bricks to make structures, block houses and stores along with trees and street signs were added.

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