Peacocks at Mayfield Park…

After school yesterday we went to Mayfield Park (super close to our house)….they have Peacocks there! And boy do they ever…and they are fairly patient and toddler tolerant :).

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Lunch date with Daddy!

Caroline (and mommy) got a special treat today! We visited Daddy at his new office and had lunch in the big city! Caroline got lots of goo goo and gaa gaa a from passers by. She was the cutest and probably the only baby downtown today!

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Weekend fun!

We had a FUN weekend exploring Austin!! We tried yummy new restaurants (mommy and daddy had a date night too), we hiked up Mt. Bonnell to see the best view of the city, we walked along the Colorado river (or Town Lake/Lady Bird Lake as it is know here), went to the original Whole Foods, watched the Live Strong Marathon that ran right by at the end of our street, went to the Aquarium and saw lots of fish and even a mermaid!! The weather was GORGEOUS and fun was had all around!!

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Sisters..they love eachother!

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Little loves…

Valentine’s day with our little loves was so much fun!! Lots of giggles, smiles and treats!

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