Isabelle is 3!

Isabelle was so brave at her three year check up! They checked her vision and gave her two shots! Here are her stats:

Height- 34.5″ (5-10%)
Weight- 24.2lbs (5-10%)

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Tiny Picasso…

Did we mention she likes purple?

Art break...special flower delivery from Gramma Terri & Grampa Rick!

Fun!! No little sisters were harmed in the making of this art!

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First laugh…

You gave me your first laugh today!

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One of the things the girls (and mommy and daddy too) are enjoying most in Austin…the weather!! We can be outside everyday enjoying the sunny weather!

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School recap!

Each day after school we get a great recap and pictures of what Isabelle and her classmates did that day! This week they learned about the Olympics, enjoyed time outside and in the garden (it was so nice outside this week) and celebrated Isabelle’s upcoming birthday with cupcakes!!

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