Weekend round-up!

This weekend we explored more of Austin!! We took Daddy to the Children’s Museum so he could see how awesome it is! We enjoyed the sunny warm temps with a long walk & playground fun and then went to the Rodeo & fair! When in Texas do the rodeo!!

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80 and sunny…TGIF indeed!!!!

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Norovirus…enough said!! Three years of munchkins in the house and three norovirus bouts. :(…on the mend now!

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Isabelle is three!!

Our sweet Isabelle is three!! We spent the day exploring Austin with Nana & Papa! We started with a yummy breakfast at the Driskell downtown, then went to Zilker Park to enjoy the sunny day at the park and ride the train!! Then we went out to Lake Travis to the Oasis! Followed by cake and ice cream- Little Mermaid and chocolate of course!!

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Nana & Papa come to visit!!!

We had SOOO much fun having Nana & Papa Visit!!! We celebrated Isabelle’s 3rd birthday and showed them all around Austin!!!

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