Strawberry picking!

Spring here is also strawberry picking season! Isabelle was a pro at picking (after a little coaching not to pick the green ones). Caroline supervised! Isabelle also fed the goats, bounced at the bounce house and ate her weight in strawberries! It was a fun day…notice the VERY dirty face (a good sign of a fun day)!

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Wildflower Season…

April is prime wildflower viewing here! So I took the girls to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center to do a little exploring. It is beautiful there and the wildflowers didn’t disappoint. My favorite were the blue bonnets and Indian paint brush…

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This week so far & milestones…

This week so far….
– the eggs in Isabelle’s class have HATCHED!! The kiddos were so excited!
– Caroline found her feet!!
– we are still having trouble getting her to take a bottle but she is loving trying rice cereal and bananas!

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Vacation (videos)…

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Sisters, Video | Comments Off on Vacation (videos)…

Mexico fun!

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on Mexico fun!