Children museum fun +….

On overcast days we LOVE to head to the Children’s Museum & is a cool spot!!

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School this week…

Isabelle is still excited about the growing chicks and they made a fairy garden at school that she is really excited about to- since it has some purple elements (her FAVORITE color)!!

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The bottle battle!

Mommy & Daddy won!!! Monday was mommy’s independence day and despite the hard day of tears, cries and a little hunger..mommy and daddy won the bottle battle and ever since Caroline is solely drinking from a bottle! Yippee!!!! It is crazy what a little hunger will make you do….

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Weekend fun!!

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5 months!

Where is the time going! Caroline is 5 months old now!! She is a happy healthy girl, a pro at rolling over and getting more sturdy everyday…sitting up might be next! She loves to laugh, smile and play with her big sister. She also is very chatting and sometimes at the most random times (like the middle of the night). She still doesn’t like the bottle but we are working on it everyday!

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