Night at the pool…

This is becoming a part of our daily routine- to beat the heat!

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Kim, Chris & Avery come to visit!

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on Kim, Chris & Avery come to visit!

Learning to ride…

FINALLY Isabelle’s legs are long enough to ride her tricycle!! She can ride!! And she LOVES it!!

Posted in Isabelle, Milestones | Comments Off on Learning to ride…

Excited for Uncle Kevin & Lauren…

Uncle Kevin made a special video to propose to Lauren! We were SO excited to contribute to it!! AND we are even more excited and happy for them!!!

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Milestones, Sisters, Video | Comments Off on Excited for Uncle Kevin & Lauren…

TC friends visit!

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Milestones | Comments Off on TC friends visit!