Blowing Raspberries…

One of Caroline’s favorite things to do. She thinks she is so funny- too cute!

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Sitting up…

Caroline has been doing a lot of practicing sitting up and SO close to be able to do it all on her own but that doesn’t stop Isabelle from trying to help her learn!

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Splash pad fun!

Now that the temps are rising and are a varying degree of HOT we make a pool or splash pad visit on a daily basis. It has been fun!!

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Our sweet Caroline..

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Dr. Isabelle…

Isabelle loves to give everyone and everything “check-ups”! She was thrilled when Caroline’s doctor let her listen to Caroline’s heart and check her ears with the real doctors tools at her 6 month check-up! Next time you see Isabelle make sure she gives you a check up and a good bill of health. She will tell you your heart “sounds good”.

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