School this week…

This week Isabelle and her class learned about butterflies and their life cycle! She came home singing a new song called the “butterfly ballad”.

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On the move!

Caroline is SO close…we are currently army crawling!

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No more “swimmy”…

We have had a lot of firsts in the last 24 hours! Mommy’s first solo flight with both girls (we all survived even with a 1am arrival time), Caroline’s first tooth and Isabelle’s first independent swim lesson (mommy sat on the sidelines-which was HARD to do). She is excited to learn and not have to wear her “swimmy” (floats) anymore!

After a little coaching she was able to join the class and show them how confident she is already in the water. She even got to show the teacher that she can hold her breath under water, paddle her arms and kick her legs. She is excited to go back tomorrow and learn more!

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Get ready tooth fairy!

The tooth fairy has a new customer…Caroline got her first tooth!! We noticed it this morning (and thought something might be up yesterday with her running warm/fussy, etc). This toothless grin is toothless no more!

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Chicago FUN!

We were reunited with Papa & Nana for some Chicago fun! We got to see Kevin, Lauren, Shannon & David! We celebrated Aunt Shannon’s wedding shower, shopped (until we dropped), went to the Lincoln Park Zoo and ride the carousal! It was SO fun!

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Caroline, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters, Video | Comments Off on Chicago FUN!