Our sweet girl…

Her eyes really do sparkle! They are SO blue!

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Cutie pie has a cold…

This little sweetie & I have been battling a monster cold ever since our plane ride from Chicago :(. Caroline is still getting over her congestion and stuffy nose…poor thing has the never ending cold.

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School this week…

This week Isabelle learned about bees and pollination! They had a ton of fun learning about this topic.

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Happy Father’s Day!

It was a GREAT father’s day weekend celebrating Daddy! We were home for the first time in a long time and were able to just BE! We tried new restaurants, explored Austin, bought daddy some golf treats, went swimming at the pool (A LOT), took GREAT naps (mommy & daddy too) and went to church. We love Daddy SO much and hope you had a great special day!

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7 months!

Our sweet Caroline is 7 months old! We can’t believe how time is flying by and how much you have grown! You are on the verge of crawling, pulling yourself up, hold your own bottle and many more new things. We love you SO much Caroline Ruby!

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