Someone is enjoying trying new soft foods and and ones that she can grab and gum…so far mangoes are her very favorite.

Posted in Caroline | Comments Off on YUM!

School this week…

Posted in Isabelle, Playdates | Comments Off on School this week…

“H” is on the move…

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Someone is crawling!

We knew it would happen soon! So far this is the best video I can get because there seems to be a constant road block (Isabelle) interrupting Caroline. Isabelle keeps “helping” her and cheering her on!

Posted in Caroline, Milestones | Comments Off on Someone is crawling!

Weekend fun!

We checked a few more Austin adventures off our list this weekend! Hamilton Pool nature area, date night for mommy & daddy at The Pitch & Putt downtown and a mini staycation @ The Hyatt Lost Pines! We REALLY made the most of every minute of this weekend together and it was so fun!!

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