End of Week Fun!

Thursdays & Friday each week is my opportunity to do a fun activity with both girls (since Isabelle isn’t in school those days). It has been a fun challenge to find fun kid friendly activities in and around Austin! Needless to say that there is a lot to do and we have had a blast exploring! It is fun to see both girls learning and taking in their surroundings. This week we checked out the Blanton Museum of Art’s story time, went to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s new Family Garden and took a music class at Gymboree.

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Our little beauty…

Our little lady is growing so fast! Today especially seemed liked she did LOTS of new things: she learned to pull herself up (thank goodness mommy lowered her crib yesterday- just in time), she laughed because I tickled her arm pits (she has laughed for awhile but hasn’t responded yet to being tickled) and she gives kisses (really wet open mouthed ones!).

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School this week…

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Sisterly LOVE!

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4th of July Weekend Fun!

It was a fun long weekend! Full of checking new experiences off our Austin list, fireworks with friends and lots of good family time at the pool!

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