The red hat…

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Caroline’s 9 month check-up…

Caroline had her 9 month check-up today. She is a happy and healthy little girl! Her current vitals are:
Height: 26.25 inches
Weight: 15 lbs, 7 oz
Head: 43.7 cm

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1st day of school…

1st day of school 2014 (sort of…ATX is back to school today and Isabelle’s preschool is year round but we like capturing the milestone in pictures)!

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Back to reality…

We had a relaxing weekend getting back to reality- catching up on sleep, laundry, grocery shopping and relaxing! Rejuvenated from our fun time up North and ready to ring in Fall with friends, family and visitors!

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Circus circus!

Isabelle visited the circus! She loved the “unicorns”, tigers and elephants!

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