School this week…

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Our little mommy…

Isabelle has always loved her baby dolls (and this one in particular). This is baby Zoe :)…named after two friends she has with that name.

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Sunday funday!

An unseasonably cool day (yippee)! Best spent playing outside and cozy snuggles inside!

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Ohio family visits!

We were lucky to have our family from Ohio visiting for the weekend! Grandma Terri, Grandpa Rick, Aunt Cindy, Uncle Dave & cousin Steven! We are so thankful they made the trip. And despite the Texas heat and abnormal rains we still had fun!

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Caroline, Cousins, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Sisters | Comments Off on Ohio family visits!

10 months!

Someone turned 10 months old this week! All in the midst of being sick with a whopper cold and a special visit by Grandma Terri & Grandpa Rick!

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