Big girl bike!

All Isabelle wanted for her birthday was a BIG girl bike that was pink & purple! She got her wish 🙂 and she has been off and riding all weekend!

Posted in Isabelle, Milestones | Comments Off on Big girl bike!

Happy Birthday to You (video)…

Posted in Isabelle, Video | Comments Off on Happy Birthday to You (video)…

Birthday PARTY!!

This weekend we celebrated Isabelle’s 4th birthday by hosting a party at a neighborhood park with lots of her classmates & friends! It was a gorgeous day filled with tons of fun and friendship! We were all pooped by the end of the day from the sugar overload, giggles and fun!

Posted in Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Milestones, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on Birthday PARTY!!

Birthday week…

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Birthday week…

We LOVE the weekend…

What a fun weekend celebrating Valentine’s Day as a family! We enjoyed the gorgeous warm weather, went for a hike, went to a valentine’s day party at a neighbor friends, put-put golf and watched the Austin Marathon run by our house!

Posted in Caroline, Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on We LOVE the weekend…