Weekend fun!

This weekend we attended our little friend, Jude’s birthday party and went to Austin’s annual Kite Festival. Although the weather wasn’t great, the wind was and Daddy taught Isabelle to fly a kite!

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The week…

This week wasn’t particularly exciting with the girls under the weather a bit and the weather sort of yucky. But we made the best of it by staying cozy and lots of snuggles.

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Croup Crud!

The birthday girl woke up at 2:30am last night with trouble breathing and a barking cough! Ugh we knew right away what it was since this is the 4th year in a row she has gotten it…the croup crud! Never before have we had to rush to the doctor in the middle of the night! So off to the ER we went in the middle of the night! She gave us a scare but she is on the mend today!! They gave her the magic shot & a breathing treatment and off we went…back to sleep!

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4 Years Old & Interview!

Our sweet Isabelle Wynn is 4 years old! Time sure does fly! We had a cozy day (it was rainy out) watching Frozen, playing & taking a nap. We did get outside for a bit to ride her new bike! Of course we had to have cake again! And Isabelle made a wish and blew out her candles (it was too windy at her party to blow out candles)! We love you Isabelle and are so proud to be your mommy & daddy!

In honor of her 4th birthday we did a little interview with her:

How old are you: 4

What is your favorite color: purple (this is NO surprise)

What is your favorite animal: bunnies (I could have sworn she would say unicorns)

What is your favorite book: anything about animals

What is your favorite thing to watch on TV: movies

What is your favorite movie: Frozen

What is your favorite song: “Let it Go” from Frozen

What is your favorite food: chocolate chip pancakes

What is your favorite drink: Propel

What is your favorite thing for breakfast: smoothie

What is your favorite snack: apple sauce

What is your favorite outfit: dresses

What is your favorite game to play: SumSum (on the ipad)

What is your favorite toy: chap-stick

Who is your best friend: Zoey

What is your favorite thing to do: PLAY!

What is your favorite thing to do outside: ride her bike

What is your favorite holiday: Christmas

What do you bring to bed with you: Stuffy the Unicorn & star blanky

Where is your favorite place to go: hide (play hide & seek)

What is your favorite restaurant: the chicken nugget store 😉

Where do you want to go on vacation: to visit Webster

What do you want to be when you grow up: a mommy

What did you do on your birthday: open presents & had a party

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Riding her bike (video)

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