A fabulous weekend with Aunt Christy & Uncle Jason!

What fun we had showing Aunt Christy & Uncle Jason around Austin! Isabelle even went stand up paddle boarding with Aunt Christy & Mommy!!!

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Earth week…

Isabelle is having a great time at school. It is amazing to see and hear what she brings home and what she is learning. This week they focused on earth day, learning about the water cycle and recycling. They made paper & did yoga- what fun! Caroline’s still fighting to feel better making for sleepless nights at our house..nothing like having a teething, cold/allergy sniffling, acid reflux ailing toddler :(.

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Sicky poo…

This little one is becoming a pro at the doctors office- this week marking her 5th visit in a month…boo. From ear infections x2 to strep throat…mommy & daddy have had enough! For this most recent visit this week, Caroline was diagnosed with acid reflux…just like her big sister Isabelle had.

We are thankful it is nothing serious and can be treated with medication. And we are even more thankful for the medication to start working so our happy-go-lucky, funny and silly little Caroline will feel better again!

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First weekend at the pool!

Mommy & Daddy were SUPER productive with yard work but in between that we had lots of fun: at the zoo, the UT spring football game, and THE POOL (yippee!!!)!

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Back to school!

We came back from vacation just in time for the baby chicks to hatch at school!!

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