Don & Vicki Visit (part 2)…

Then Grandma Vicki & Grandma Don stayed with the girls while Mommy & Daddy had a little get-a-way!! THANK YOU Don & Vicki!!!!! I think we all had FUN!!

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Don & Vicki visit (part 1)…

What a wonderful visit we had with Grandma Vicki & Grandpa Don!

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Daddy on Duty!

While Mommy went to Denver to visit Kate, Daddy was on duty! He & the girls had so much fun!

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18 Month Check-Up…

This week is full of milestones! Her first day of school and now her 18 month birthday & check-up! She is a happy & healthy little girl. Still being treated for acid reflux but growing fine.


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First day of school!

Caroline’s first day of school was today! She was so excited to go to school with her big sister! Mommy & Daddy were so sad to think how fast time has flown! Our little baby is turning into a little lady!

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