4 Years Old & Interview!

Our sweet Isabelle Wynn is 4 years old! Time sure does fly! We had a cozy day (it was rainy out) watching Frozen, playing & taking a nap. We did get outside for a bit to ride her new bike! Of course we had to have cake again! And Isabelle made a wish and blew out her candles (it was too windy at her party to blow out candles)! We love you Isabelle and are so proud to be your mommy & daddy!

In honor of her 4th birthday we did a little interview with her:

How old are you: 4

What is your favorite color: purple (this is NO surprise)

What is your favorite animal: bunnies (I could have sworn she would say unicorns)

What is your favorite book: anything about animals

What is your favorite thing to watch on TV: movies

What is your favorite movie: Frozen

What is your favorite song: “Let it Go” from Frozen

What is your favorite food: chocolate chip pancakes

What is your favorite drink: Propel

What is your favorite thing for breakfast: smoothie

What is your favorite snack: apple sauce

What is your favorite outfit: dresses

What is your favorite game to play: SumSum (on the ipad)

What is your favorite toy: chap-stick

Who is your best friend: Zoey

What is your favorite thing to do: PLAY!

What is your favorite thing to do outside: ride her bike

What is your favorite holiday: Christmas

What do you bring to bed with you: Stuffy the Unicorn & star blanky

Where is your favorite place to go: hide (play hide & seek)

What is your favorite restaurant: the chicken nugget store 😉

Where do you want to go on vacation: to visit Webster

What do you want to be when you grow up: a mommy

What did you do on your birthday: open presents & had a party

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