Happy 2nd Birthday Isabelle!

How time flies!

Isabelle is 2!

We can hardly believe how time has flown by.

Each and every day we are amazed by how fun loving, easy going, lovable and sweet Isabelle is. She is perfect…perfect to us! She continues to grow, thrive and learn all about her surroundings!

Here are some of her favorites:

Her baby doll
Blanky- must have it to sleep, snuggle and security
Throwing balls- she has quite the arm and accuracy!
Can count to three
Stickers and color..loves crafts
Still likes her bottle and loves milk
Learning to go potty! Very exciting!
Is beginning to try lots of foods
Hotdog, rice, crackers, yogurt apples and banana still her favorite foods
Gets sick now only when eats pizza for dinner – still a no no
Repeating us! Really have to start being careful what we say!
Okay- still does not say yes
Started asking why? What is that? Curious little one…
Great sleeper- likes to be rocked to sleep (and mommy doesn’t mind either)
Loves books and has started to read to us
These are just a few of the things that make Isabelle…Isabelle!
We love you so much Isabelle Wynn!
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