Isabelle update…

Nana wrote up this little update on Isabelle after her weekend with her. It’s nice to have these updates to look back and remember her likes at that moment in time!

  • Loves playing in her pool and is getting more confidence with it.
  • She loves being outside doing anything. Loves a wagon ride over pushing baby in stroller.
  • Loves Webster! He is so good around her.
  • She really is expressing opinions now and tells you what she wants and doesn’t want.
  • She loves books still and acts like she is reading it even though it’s gibberish 🙂
  • She can stack 3-4 blocks.
  • She kisses her Dolly. She loves to rock it in her arms.
  • She loves opening and closing drawers and loves to close doors too. She loved the door stopper spring in each room and seeks them out to bong wherever she is.
  • She loves her bottle and takes me to the refrigerator to get it.
  • She still has that great communication with Papa.
  • She loved playing and running around in the basement.
  • She goes up and down those stairs like pro now!
  • She loves squeezing between things like the Ottoman and couch-will go round and round-so cute!
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