Grandma Vicki comes to visit…

Grandma Vicki came to visit!!

and Grandpa Don came too!

Grandma Vicki, Brian, Isabelle, Me and Grandpa Don

Our little family!

The Grandparents with Isabelle!

Grandpa Don & Grandma Vicki with Isabelle

Grandma Vicki makes Isabelle a snowman!

Grandma Vicki and Grandpa Don braved the winter weather to come to visit us and meet Isabelle!

We had a great visit as Don stayed for the weekend and Vicki stayed for the week!

We were spoiled with yummy dinners by Grandma Vicki, running errands and shopping trips, snuggle time with Isabelle, celebrating Brian’s birthday, bingo with the girlfriends, and the casino!

It was a great visit and can’t wait to see everyone again soon!

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