Category Archives: Caroline

Sicky poo…

This little one is becoming a pro at the doctors office- this week marking her 5th visit in a month…boo. From ear infections x2 to strep throat…mommy & daddy have had enough! For this most recent visit this week, Caroline … Continue reading

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First weekend at the pool!

Mommy & Daddy were SUPER productive with yard work but in between that we had lots of fun: at the zoo, the UT spring football game, and THE POOL (yippee!!!)!

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Back to school!

We came back from vacation just in time for the baby chicks to hatch at school!!

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17 Months!

This little stinker is 17 months! She sure is the most lovable stinker there is! Everything she does, she does it with a smirk and a smile. She really keeps mommy and daddy on their toes! And we love her … Continue reading

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Vacation part two (family time)!

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