Monthly Archives: February 2015

Croup Crud!

The birthday girl woke up at 2:30am last night with trouble breathing and a barking cough! Ugh we knew right away what it was since this is the 4th year in a row she has gotten it…the croup crud! Never … Continue reading

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4 Years Old & Interview!

Our sweet Isabelle Wynn is 4 years old! Time sure does fly! We had a cozy day (it was rainy out) watching Frozen, playing & taking a nap. We did get outside for a bit to ride her new bike! … Continue reading

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Riding her bike (video)

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Big girl bike!

All Isabelle wanted for her birthday was a BIG girl bike that was pink & purple! She got her wish 🙂 and she has been off and riding all weekend!

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Happy Birthday to You (video)…

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