Monthly Archives: May 2014

Dr. Isabelle (again)…

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A fun day with my girls…

A rainy morning full of PJs, giggles, cartoons, cuddles, and play..then an afternoon at the children’s museum, playground, feeding ducks and a dinner date with me little ladies! What fun! I love my little girls.

Posted in Isabelle, Katie & Brian, Playdates, Sisters | Comments Off on A fun day with my girls…

School this week…

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Blowing Raspberries…

One of Caroline’s favorite things to do. She thinks she is so funny- too cute!

Posted in Caroline, Video | Comments Off on Blowing Raspberries…

Sitting up…

Caroline has been doing a lot of practicing sitting up and SO close to be able to do it all on her own but that doesn’t stop Isabelle from trying to help her learn!

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