Monthly Archives: October 2013

Glasses giggles…

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Cute as a pumpkin!

Another quick pit stop on the way home..pumpkin patch (it was cold). We found a few pumpkins for Nana and Papa’s front porch. Isabelle picked one out and we found one for baby sister too!!

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Puppy heaven!

On our way home from downstate we stopped to pick up Webster at Golden Eye (his breeder and kennel)…and they had puppies!!!! Isabelle loved them but also couldn’t wait to be reunited with “her doggy” Websy!

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Littlest Spartan fan!!

Posted in Aunts & Uncles, Grandparents, Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Littlest Spartan fan!!

Static magic!!

Posted in Isabelle, Katie & Brian | Comments Off on Static magic!!