Monthly Archives: March 2011

Our 1st Outing…

A few days after we got home Isabelle had her first outing to visit the doctor! It was a funny first outing- Brian and I trying to coordinate ourselves to get out the door with everything we think we need, … Continue reading

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Going Home!

Brian and I were so excited to be heading home with Isabelle! We had a great stay at the hospital and the staff was wonderful but we were ready for our own bed, no more being poked and prodded, and … Continue reading

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We were so blessed to have family and friends come visit us at the hospital! Grandma & Grandpa McClatchey where excited to meet her in addition to many others! And those that couldn’t come visit sent beautiful pink flowers to … Continue reading

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Proud Parents…

After waiting 9+ months and a long wait in the hospital we were thrilled when Isabelle finally arrived! We are proud parents as you can see 🙂

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Isabelle is born!

Isabelle was born via cesarean section @ 1:24pm on February 22! We were so excited that she was finally here! As you can see Brian is one proud daddy! We were very surprised that Isabelle was a girl, Brian and … Continue reading

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